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Reconciliation Year 2013/2014


The S.E.R. Foundations

Reconciliation is high-minded diplomatic leadership and statesmanship in action.
The former UN General Secretary Kofi Annan said: "Reconciliation is the highest form of dialogue".

You are part of the worldwide reconciliation network.


Please, register all your activities and projects for reconciliation and peace.
Let us demonstrate that we are one global family, working together for a life in dignity and harmony of all beings.
See the enclosed attachment for further information.

2014 Call for Action towards Reconciliation and Universal Peace

and the Implementation of the UN Millennium Development Goals

The S.E.R. Foundation, an NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC (UN), launches this call to build structures fostering mutual interactions and a renewal of civic relationships between all parts of societies. It seeks to promote outstanding and sustainable values, visions and concrete targets as enunciated by the UN Charter and UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Our aim is to build a global growing network for a life in dignity and peace for all mankind.

  • Award for Global Mediation Diplomacy
    with this Award persons or organisations of public life will be honoured for their exceptional dedication to global reconciliation and mediation
  • Award for National & Regional Innovative Reconciliation Diplomacy
    Project Categories:
    • Creative and Indigenous Projects
    • Educational and Athletic Projects
    • Political, socio-economic Projects
    • Holistic, Health Care and environmental Projects

Your Reconciliation Project
Register your activities and projects on the website of our affiliated organization, S.E.R.-Foundation, www.serfoundation.org. We want to connect all participants and make visible the worldwide efforts for reconciliation and peace. Therefore we collect worldwide reconciliation projects. The annual documentation will be handed over to the United Nations in New York and will be available on the above-mentioned website.

Please send us, on completion of your project, a short report of 1 page A4 including 1-2 photos by early December 2014 at the latest. All participants will receive a confirmation from the S.E.R. Foundation in return for their contribution.

Important documents for download

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